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Suomikoulu DC


Suomik­oulu DC is part of the world­wide Suomi-koulu or­ga­ni­za­tion, which is working to pre­serve Finnish cul­ture and lan­guage among young people of Finnish origin. The Suomi-koulu or­ga­ni­za­tion’s work is sup­ported by the Finnish gov­ern­ment. Our pri­mary goal is to sup­port par­ents in their ef­forts to transfer Finnish lan­guage and her­itage to their chil­dren. We focus on teaching chil­dren to un­der­stand and speak Finnish. Reading and writing are taught when chil­dren are ready. Our school also of­fers chil­dren var­ious ex­pe­ri­ences re­lated to Finnish cul­ture, such as art and crafts


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